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Written Testimonials

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To whom it may concern:

Nova and Marlene are both amazingly patient and efficient. They both care about the residents and have been so wonderful helping care for my mom. I live in Texas and can only be there for occasional visits. I cannot adequately express my appreciation. They quietly manage so many things, I don't know how they keep their heads about them!

I needed to write and express my appreciation for some of your wonderful staff I have met, many who have been so good to my mother, Julia, but I really want to highlight three people.

Another person who has been outstanding is Carolyn in the activity department. She is always kind and enthusiastic and does such a good job, she too is a God send.

I know there are others who deserve mention. Please forgive me for not naming them but after Nova helped me and mom today on the phone, I had to express my gratitude.

May God richly bless these who have golden hearts!


Teresa (Terry) Brown
About The Bristal at Massapequa

See the Orignial Letter

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